Magical Moments

Magical Moments

Hello Kind World!

Many of us rush through our days to work, pick up our children, or go to the grocery store. We are always rushing and do not take the time to stop and see the magical moments. 

Yesterday, I was thirsty for a Coca-Cola from McDonalds.  They have the best fountain cokes.  I went through the drive-through and was greeted by a young woman with a big smile.  She was so genuine.  An elderly woman brought the coke to her, and she turned and said, "Thank you, grandma."  I said, "That is so nice you work with your grandma." She responded, "She is not my grandma. She is everyone's grandma here." I smiled and said to her, "That is so special." 

Two children were selling lemonade in front of 701 Cleaning in Bismarck a couple of weeks ago.  I stopped.  They were siblings. They both smiled at me.  The young boy said, "What color cup would you like? I have orange, yellow, green, and blue cups.  You will get a sunshine sticker, too, for free."  I smiled at this and said, "I would like an orange one to think of the sun."  The young girl took my money and counted back my change. I gave them extra money, as I always do. I said, "Remember, kids, you can be anything you want to be when you grow up."

I also see the magical moments when I look at the fireflies at night, watch a sunset that gives me peace, or a sunrise that gives me hope. There are so many magical moments. Each of you will have your own.  

We all need to slow down and take the time to look for the magical moments. 


Have a magical day!Fairy male with solid fill