June 2024 Simple Kindness Updates

June 2024 Simple Kindness Updates

Friday, June 28, 2024 

Simple Kindness

Issue #1

Launched website 05/28/2024 

It has been one month since the launch of the simple kindness website!

Canvas Chrome Designs collaborated with me to create a stellar website.

I want to thank and acknowledge this team.

Saman Siddiqui, Founder of Canvas Chrome Designs. The project was completed under her guidance.

Saud Khan, a Graphic Designer who designed the web graphics & logo. He also helped with the Amazon affiliate program & all the data entry work.

Madhav Singh, Web Developer who contributed to Website Designing and Development.  Madhav and I had many conversations and he collaborated closely with me on website design.

I highly recommend this team!




Kristin L Larson 

Conversations and learning moments 

I walked into a small business and was unsure of myself as to how I could discuss simple kindness with the owner of the business. I had to take my first step, to talk about simple kindness, and share that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The owner was such a kind and understanding person. I did not even have my business cards, yet I gave her the name of my website and then she shared with me a group of small business owners in the community in which she was involved. She said this would be a terrific opportunity for you to get to know other people and connect with them. She said, “We all need to start somewhere.” 

Then after that experience sharing those words with someone out loud that I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder was an accomplishment for me. It was the first step that I needed to take to the next step.

I have relocated to Bismarck ND to help my daughter. This is a short-term living arrangement for me. However, this is where I was able to learn from others because I knew no one in Bismarck ND.

I walked into a small business in Bismarck ND. I was shopping for a few small items. I did not even mention the discussion about my website. However, the store owner mentioned a sensitive topic about her life. She had been battling depression.  I then briefly shared my journey with her and gave her the name of my website. I said, “I am not a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, I am a person who has traveled a mental health journey that knows what it is like to be extremely depressed.


I can only tell you mental health professionals can help you.” I mentioned I was new to the area and did not know the resources available. There were learning moments from all that discussion. I was there to listen. I was there to listen and that is many times what people need and then they need to feel that there is hope.

We need to be able to listen to others when they are hurting. We need to be able to take the time to listen. Empathy and compassion for people because you might be the only person that they share something with, and you could very well give them that hope they need.

In my journey along the way of 35 years of battling bipolar disorder. I no longer call it a battle because I have accepted it and I know what I have been able to do and accomplish. The only reason I was able to be successful was due to one factor the support of a few people in my life along the way, my family. That is why it is crucial that if you have a friend, colleague, or loved one who is suffering they get the professional help they need. You could save a life.



The latest updates


Educational Resources 

The latest updates


Request for journey stories.

If you would like to share your story.

Please send to info@simplekindness.com

I plan to set up a community awareness event this fall after school begins.  


I will be gathering additional resources and posting these in July. 

My first resource will be for 3 age groups of children. 


Kristin L Larson

Founder of simplekindness.co 

Follow me on LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristin-l-larson-capm-mba-88b0aa3a/